Account Aspects


Penalty Rates Cut Sunday and Public Holidays

Most of you would have heard the announcement ‘Penalty Rates Cut Sunday and Public Holidays‘ for the Retail, Pharmacy, Hospitality and Fast Food industries. The Fairwork Commission’s decision to cut penalty rates has brought controversy with a shake up to wages affecting business owners and employees working in these industries. Why did the Fairwork Commission …

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Xero Invoice Reminders

This feature release from Xero will become your Secret Weapon to improving your Cashflow. The most effective way to Achieve Positive Cashflow is to get paid on time.

Having a conversation with your clients regarding money owed could hurt customer relations and can become time consuming. By enabling Invoice Reminders in Xero this frees you from the conversation and prompts your clients…

Business New Years Resolution

Many of you have made a Personal New Year’s Resolution, but did you make a Business New Year’s Resolution?
As a business owner, making a Business New Year’s Resolution is more important than a Personal Resolution. It is important because there are many factors that rely on Your Business…

Surviving the Christmas Shutdown Period

Christmas is a time for getting together with family and friends and enjoying the festive season. Can you really enjoy this time if your cashflow is taking a hit?

Christmas shutdown has seen your business doors close, although the business still runs Relying on a Professional Bookkeeper’s services can take the stress out of your Christmas supporting your business to continue with…